What's with that Tagline? 

The characters in my stories live in today's modern world and deal with issues each of us might face, but in facing these issues they employ the traditional values of family, loyalty and honesty.  By reverting to and resolving to live by these values they can solve any problem and overcome any issue on their way to find a true and lasting love.

Traditional Values in a Contemporary World

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- Kathryn

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Welcome to kathrynascher.com! It is a pleasure to have you here on my site.  While you’re here, learn more about me and my upcoming additions to the Rocky Creek series, enjoy the book trailer for my first novel (and the first in the series), What It Takes, of check out one of my social media sites through the links below. Please, take a moment to visit my publisher, BQB Publishing, to see what else they have to offer.  I look forward to connecting with you and hope you enjoy your visit here.